Work With Me

From visiting your classroom to helping you perfect our manuscript, I’d love to help you discover and tell your story.

I work with writers, companies, and retreat groups.

Interested in a school visit? Learn more here.

For Writers

I work with writers at all stages of the writing process, from shaping an idea into a manuscript to polishing your query letter to send to agents.

Sure, a lot of writing happens alone in your room (or, in my case, with two cats on my lap). But even more of it happens in conversation, when we have the space to receive feedback, discuss ideas, and discover new directions for our manuscript.

  • Manuscript polished? Query letter drafted? Ready to find your agent? I'll review your querying materials to help you best position your book and take the next step in your career. This includes:

    -Review of query letter and first 10 pages of your manuscript

    -Larger developmental feedback

    -Line edits

    -A 30-minute Zoom consultation for Q&A and additional support

    Price: $350

  • You did it! After months (or years) of writing, your book is done. Now, the fun really begins. Whether you're on your first draft or seventh, editing reveals a book's true core. But writing doesn't have to be done alone.

    I'll provide:

    -Developmental feedback on the manuscript as a whole

    -Line edits on a 20-page section of your choice

    -A 30-minute Zoom call to dive into Q&A and specifics

    Price: Starting at $1,200 for a 50k manuscript (price dependent on book genre/length)

  • You're deep in the weeds. Maybe you're wrangling a great idea onto the page, or you're in the middle of a project. I'll be your editor/accountability buddy/cheerleader/project manager/community member — whatever you need to get your book to the finish line.

    -30-minute Zoom check-ins every 2 weeks

    -Specific feedback on a 20-page section once a month

    -Goal-setting roadmap

    -Personalized book recommendations

    -Personalized writing practice tips and strategies

    -Starting at $500/month

For businesses

I work with large corporations, solo entrepreneurs, and small businesses to craft their messaging, stories, and brands — clients have included Hilton, Marriott, KitchenAid, Eller Executive Education, and many others. To learn more and reach out, please visit Atelle.